June 7-14 Helping Hands  
June 21-28  Let’s Build a Life-Size “Rube Goldberg”  
June 28- July 5  It’s a Blank Canvas Challenge!
July 5-12  Creativity, Connection, and Community
July 12-18  Body-Mind Satisfaction through Yoga and Art  (6-day week)
July 19-26   A UU Perspective on Freeing the Upper Mississippi
July 26-August 2   Scandi Light and Dark: Music, Dance, Painting and Fiction
Aug 2-9  Adventures in Fiber Arts: Knot, Needle, Weave and Bead
Aug 9-16   Brush, Ink, Paper: Nature Painting and Calligraphy
Aug 16-23  Stories of Gaa-zagaskwaajimekaag

Registration for Camper Weeks

Life at Camp UniStar is simple, rustic, and comfortable. Campers share space in one of our five cabins, Anderson Lodge, or pitch a tent near the lakeshore. The cabins and lodge feature a common room, a simple kitchenette, sleeping rooms for each family, and a bathroom with a tub. The lodge and cabin 5 have a shower; two additional showers are available in a separate building. Campers bring linens/sleeping bags, blankets, pillows, and towels. The tent area has five tent platforms (bring your own tent, sleeping bags, etc.) with nearby bathrooms, showers, a simple kitchenette, and a screened gazebo.

There is a kitchen serving three delicious, healthy meals a day. In addition to the regular offerings at each meal, we offer gluten-free baked goods, almond and soy milk, and vegetarian and vegan entrees and desserts. If you have a diet that is very limited, bring some food to supplement the meals camp provides.

If you require accessible housing or have other special needs, please include a note with your registration, or send an email to registrar@campunistar.org.

  • Priority Registration ends March 19, 2025 for all camper weeks. Please apply online here
  • An application can be made via email or mail also. Download the 2025 Registration form here.
  • After March 19th, you may still register in weeks that still have space. Please contact the Registrar to find out which weeks have space available.
  • Registration confirmation emails will be sent in late March. They will include a statement of your balance due, and more information about camp. You will receive an invoice for your balance prior to your week at camp.
  • If all of the weeks you select are oversubscribed as of the priority registration date, you will be placed on a waiting list. If this happens, we will notify you.
  • Cancellation Guidelines are: full refund of deposits if cancellation is received before the priority deadline, 50% refund if cancellation is received before May 1, and 25% refund of deposits if after May 1 and at least 3 weeks before the registered week. If camp is canceled due to COVID, deposits will be refunded.
  • Financial assistance may be available. Please contact the Registrar for more information.
  • If all of the weeks you select are oversubscribed as of the priority registration date, you will be placed on a waiting list. If this happens, we will notify you. 
  • Choose more weeks using the Preferred-Good-Acceptable options. Your flexibility helps us to accommodate more applicants.
  • Choose one or more weeks early and/or late in the season. The late July and early August weeks are the most requested.
  • Campers who apply for Helping Hands may also apply for another camper week at the same time. Please fill out another online application for your additional week. If you wish to attend only part of Helping Hands week, please contact the Registrar.
  • Requests for a second camper week (not counting Helping Hands Week), may be submitted to the Registrar after March 19th.

Please notify the Registrar ASAP of any changes in your registration or regarding any special circumstances.


  • Full refund of deposits if cancellation is received before the priority deadline
    50% refund if cancellation is received before May 1
    25% refund of deposits if after May 1 and at least 3 weeks before the registered week
  • Please be considerate of others by informing the Registrar as soon as possible if your plans change and you can no longer come to camp
  • Should we have to cancel a week or more of camp, refund policies will be in place for any campers who registered for the affected week(s).
  • Persons arriving late or leaving prior to the end of the week must still pay the full week rate.