Spiritual Friendship

Spiritual Friendship – July 29-August 5

Rev. Alan Taylor

Drawing on the methodology of deep listening and spiritual direction (providing compassionate attention to another), Rev. Alan Taylor will provide an experiential exploration of being a spiritual companion to others. Levity and laughter will accompany the invitation to engage in this sacred journey. We will begin and end with a deep listening ritual in dyads. The sessions will offer an invitation for personal reflection about spiritual practice and significant human relation skills, including healthy self-disclosure, differing, immediacy, and owning. An opportunity for journaling and pointers for further reflection will be included.

Rev. Alan recently founded Love with Courage, a public multi-faith ministry providing spiritual direction and faith-based organizing in the Chicagoland area. He has served UU Congregations for 24 years, most recently 18 years at Unity Temple in Oak Park. He is a graduate of Pomona College and Starr King School for the Ministry. His public ministry advocates the cultivation of spiritual practice and an ever-widening relational network to bring forth not only individual but community transformation.