In 2016 the Board and Management Committee developed a new vision for the camp,
Belonging at Camp, Cherishing the Island, Inspiring Action in the World.
This vision came out of a process that involved a large part of the camper community, and is now being used to guide the annual operation of the camp, and the long range plans of the organization. The vision captures themes of a welcoming, intentional community that fosters meaningful interactions; recognizing the importance of our place in this unique island ecosystem; and putting our camp values to work outside of camp to improve our local communities.
As a Unitarian Universalist camp, our vision is aligned with UU values and principles. Our vision encourages the acceptance of one another and the recognition of the inherent worth and dignity of every person. It also promotes respect for the intergenerational web, and a goal of social justice.
While Camp UniStar has existed for over 55 years, the Camp UniStar Foundation (CUF) is a recent creation. Incorporated in 2013, the Camp UniStar Foundation took ownership of the camp from the Prairie Star District in 2014. In its articles of incorporation and by-laws, the organization has expressed its purpose of managing and using the Camp UniStar property on Star Island in Beltrami County, Minnesota, to offer camper programs and experiences that:
- Promote the values and ideals of Unitarian Universalism, and support the mission of the MidAmerica Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
- Enhance personal and spiritual growth through safe, healthy, and educational programs at a north woods island camp in Minnesota.
- Are sustainable in the long-term – both financially and environmentally – driving positive changes for the camp, the island environment, and the surrounding community.
- Foster a close-knit, caring, and accepting camper community, with an informal, intergenerational, and volunteer culture.