Youth Week Registration

Youth Week 2025: June 14-21
Registration is open now! Visit the Youth Week Registration Website to get started.

In 2025, Youth Week will be held June 14-21. All campers entering 8th grade through 12th grade in the fall of 2025 who are interested in attending youth week can register at the Youth Week Registration Website (not the same as the Program Week Registration Website). As of now, proof of COVID vaccination AND a negative test are required to attend, updated COVID requirements may be forthcoming.

Youth Week is always in need of adult counselors/program leaders. Please contact the Youth Week Registrar if you are interested or with any other questions regarding Youth Week.


To complete a registration you must have:

            • Basic household information: Please put the person who you want to be receiving all the communications from the registrar as ‘Parent 1’
            • Camper Information: Required information about your Youth Week camper
            • Transportation selection: Optional transportation to and from the Twin Cities and Cass Lake is available.
            • Deposit/payment. Roughly half of the camper fee is required to complete the registration regardless of scholarship status. Most major credit cards are accepted. You also have the option of paying in full.

Once you log in to the registration system and complete the household information section, including information about your camper and what grade they will be entering in the fall, you will be ready to register for youth week. If you notice a small orange box that says “waitlist,” that signifies that we have reached our capacity for campers in the grade you are trying to sign up for and if you choose to continue, you will be registering for the waitlist and not for the week at camp. You can follow the directions on each page to continue the process. There is no deposit required to get your name on the waitlist so if it’s an option, we suggest it, however, the waitlist is no guarantee.

The registrar will contact the first person on the waitlist if a spot becomes available and ask if they are still interested in attending youth week, and so on down the list until the week is filled.

Not required to complete a registration, but must be submitted by May 1st:

            • Camper Agreement Form: A form for campers to sign, not parents/guardians. It is meant to be an opportunity to discuss a camper’s role in the camp community and what is meant by a safe environment for growth. Please pledge to take a few minutes to go through the commitments together before having your camper(s) digitally sign it.
            • Medical Form: Requires immunization records and insurance information so have them ready. *For returning campers, the form will be auto-filled with your responses from the previous year, so it is critical to review and update medication dosages and immunization dates for the current year

If your camper has been to youth week before, please take a moment prior to the Youth Week registration date and attempt to log in to registration. You can use the password reset link if you’ve forgotten your login, but if you’ve forgotten the email as well, you will have to contact the Youth Week Registrar.  Once you’re in, you will not be able to start your registration until registration opens, but you can update your household information; one less thing to do later.

Write down or save your login information for the online registration system, you will need it to complete forms and submit remaining payments, as well as register again in the future.

The fee for Youth Week 2025 is $640 per camper with a minimum deposit of $320 required at the time of registration. 

The fee for camp-provided transportation from the Twin Cities to camp, and back again, is $50 round trip or $25 one way.

Youth Week registration changed back in 2022 in two major ways:

            • There are no longer two separate registration periods, instead there is one open registration period for all youth who would like to attend, regardless of past attendance status.
              In an effort to make the registration more fair and inviting to new youth who would like to experience camp, registration will open to all interested youth, new and returning, at the same time on a first come, first serve basis. If you are unable to register immediately, please register for the waitlist, and we will determine where we can fit more campers in as soon as possible and invite those youth to attend camp.
            • We no longer register 7th graders for youth week.
              We had dwindling registrations for 7th graders in the years leading up to 2022, to the point of being forced to combine them with cabins of other grades to provide a more meaningful camp experience.